You might never go to bed with wet hair again after reading this....

You might never go to bed with wet hair again after reading this....

We all know the feeling too well. You’ve had a shower and by the time you come out, everyone in the house is asleep and the hairdryer is no go. Or, by the time you’ve finished moisturising, tidying and completing your skin care – drying your hair requires energy that you just don’t have. If the only repercussion of sleeping with wet hair is more difficulty styling it in the morning, then why not?


What if we told you that the warmth from your head combined with the moisture from your hair is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. Yes, that’s right, fungi. This can also cause ringworm on the scalp and it’s highly contagious too. This is caused by warm and damp conditions and this can lead to hair loss. Even if you think your pillow has dried out and you use a clean pillow case, the bacteria has likely penetrated into the inner pillow and will continue to grow as you sleep on it, keeping it nice and warm. Not only will that bad bacteria start to grow and develop in your pillow (really quickly btw), and it’s really difficult to get rid of, it could actually form on your scalp. Did that just make your hair stand on end too?


Hair is also at its most fragile  when wet. Lying on your hair  wet on your pillow can cause the  natural oils to be absorbed into the pillowcase leaving your hair looking dull and lifeless.  That’s also why it’s harder to style the next day!


Now we’re not saying the fungi that grows on your scalp looks like mushrooms, or fluffy patches of mould. It’s not that apparent. It presents itself as dandruff or dry, itchy, flaky patches. So if you have recently discovered you’re having problems with dry scalp or really obvious dandruff – going to bed with wet hair could be a factor!


As if the above isn’t enough to convince you, going to bed with wet hair can also worsen or cause acne. Your pillow just becomes one big holiday resort for the bacteria we don’t want and attacks your skin during the night. If you’re suffering from acne, a positive change to make is thoroughly drying your hair before bed, tie it up and change your pillow case every 2-3 nights. A generous helping of Sano Signature Balm can also help soothe and diminish those pesky blemishes and nourish your skin whilst you sleep.

So, what do you do if your scalp has started showing signs of dandruff and mould? Don’t worry, we wouldn’t give you all the ingredients but not tell you how to bake the cake. See below for our tips for luscious locks and a cleaaaaan scalp.


First of all, it goes without saying (hopefully), dry your hair before bed! At the very least, dry your roots and mid lengths thoroughly.


We recommend using our RAW collection Moroccan Clay cleaning mask. The high levels of ion exchange it works as a detoxifier, drawing out excess sebum, dirt and toxins. It can work wonders for gently but thoroughly cleansing the hair and the skin on the scalp. The Saponin content in clay makes it a good natural shampoo alternative. The natural cleansing agents will form a soft lather when mixed with water.


You can make your own clay shampoo by mixing this clay mask with enough rose water or plain water to form a paste. You could also add some essential oils of your choice, making sure to stir them in well. Our favourites are Tea Tree and Rosemary as these are especially good for stimulating hair follicles and have antibacterial, anti-fungal properties. Massage this paste into wet hair and scalp then rinse off as normal. We promise your hair will feel clean, soft and healthy.


Moroccan Soap Clay also conditions and detangles your hair, so it will be left soft, silky, shiny and manageable!


Have a look here for more information on each RAW Collection mask and how it can work for you! A mask paired with our Signature Balm is a match made in heaven and our team is now in full glow.


Until the next time,

Team Sano x

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